Photographs from His Holiness Karmapa's UK visit 2017

Thursday 10 October 2024

WEEKEND RETREAT WITH LAMA TSERING PALDRON Glendalough Sanctuary, Co Wicklow, Ireland

NOVEMBER 15th - 17th 2024

Bodhicharya Ireland is delighted to announce a weekend retreat with Lama Tsering Paldron.

 at Glendalough Sanctuary, Brockagh, County Wicklow. The retreat will begin at 7.30pm on Friday, November 15th and will end at 1pm on Sunday the 17th

Lama Tsering Paldron was born in Lisbon, Portugal.  During the 1980s, she completed a traditional Tibetan Buddhist three year retreat at the Centre d'Etudes de Chanteloube, under the guidance of two great Masters, Dudjom Rinpoche and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. She continues to receive teachings from many lamas, including Ringu Tulku Rinpoche.

Many of you know Tsering from her previous visit to Dublin and from the Bodhicharya Summer School, which she has run for the past thirteen years. A popular and experienced teacher,  Tsering has travelled around the world for the past twenty-five years, giving regular courses, talks and meditation retreats. Her latest book, “Grow Your Own Happiness” will be the subject of our retreat.  Whether you are new to Buddhism or you are an experienced practitioner, this weekend will offer everyone practical steps towards cultivating a life of peace, contentment and authentic joy. Drawing on ancient teachings and contemporary practices, Tsering will teach us how to nurture gratitude, mindfulness and compassion while dealing with the overwhelming distractions and suffering of everyday life.

For more information about Tsering, see:

Retreat costs: €120 per person

Retreat times: Friday, November 15th  7.30pm-9pm

  Saturday, November16th   9.30am-9pm 

  Sunday, November 17th  9.30am-1pm

Venue:  Glendalough Sanctuary, Brockagh. County Wicklow.  A98 VK68

Accommodation at the Sanctuary is not included in the cost of retreat.

Reserving a place: Everyone is  welcome, but  places are limited. If you would like to join the retreat please reserve as soon as you can. (Email Ani Paldron at

Accommodation: Glendalough Sanctuary can accommodate 12 people in single or shared ensuite rooms.  Bookings can be made through their website:  (T.+353 (0)85 2501706 

E.  There are also a number of B&Bs in the Glendalough and Laragh area.

Food:  Breakfasts at Glenalough Sanctuary are self-catering.

    Lunch and supper will be provided on Saturday, November 16th   

Thursday 29 August 2024

Rinpoche gives the first teachings in the new Dzogchen Beara temple, Ireland


Samsara, Bodhicitta, Buddha Nature.

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche has taught at Dzogchen Beara every year since 1990, so it was fitting that he was invited to present the inaugural teachings on the 12-14th July 2024, launching the Temple into its new role as the first purpose-built Tibetan Temple in Ireland.

With 280 people in attendance, many of whom had travelled from the US and different parts of Europe, Rinpoche began by teaching on The Four Noble Truths. Then over the following days, he taught on the foundation and meaning of Buddhist practice based on three words  Samsara, Bodhicitta and Buddha Nature, one theme building upon the next at each session across the weekend.* 

The Naga Vases

In the Tibetan tradition, Nagas are protective spirits who can manifest in serpent form and live under water; the Vases contain medicinal herbs and other precious substances beneficial to the Nagas, who can be disturbed and ill as a result of pollution and other negative human activities. The Vases are offered to the Nagas with a request that they bring peace and harmony to the earth.

Karma Baoguan, a young Chinese woman now resident in Dublin was instrumental in bringing two sets of the Vases to Ireland; one was intended for the River Liffey, and the other for West Cork. She explained that a descendent of the King of Derge made a commitment to sponsor the cost of making 108 sets of seven vases which are being placed in seas and rivers around the world. Rinpoche had already placed some in the Spree River, Berlin in 2023, and as he was unable to come to Dublin this year, it was decided he would place both sets in the Atlantic Ocean in view of Dzogchen Beara.

Ringu Tulku recited the Naga Sutras early on the morning of July 14th, and Bob Whiteside organised two small boats to carry Rinpoche and the Naga Vases, setting out with a small group that afternoon from Cahermore Harbour. As the boats came into view around the headland, mantras were chanted outside the new temple while Rinpoche placed the fourteen vases into the ocean.

The New Temple at Dzogchen Beara

The completion of the new Temple at Dzogchen Beara fulfils the extraordinary vision of Peter and Harriet Cornish and marks the beginning of a new era at Dzogchen Beara.

In 1973, Peter and Harriet bought one hundred and fifty acres of rocky land high above the sea on the Beara Peninsula with the aim of setting up a retreat centre. The holiday cottages they built and rented on the site helped raise funds to build a meditation hall, and soon people came from all over the world to learn to meditate.

In 1992, the land and buildings were offered to a charitable trust under the guidance of Sogyal Rinpoche, who was the founder of Rigpa and the author of 'The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.'

Designed according to the Tibetan science of geomancy, the placement and orientation is intended to have a positive influence on its surroundings, as well as being a source of healing and harmony for the people who visit it.

There is a meditation room above the main shrine room, along with facilities for torma making and tsok preparation. The temple faces directly out to sea, protected to the north by a vertical wall of granite; the area round about has been beautifully landscaped with plants and a waterfall. Nearby, a cut stone incense burner for Riwö Sangchö practice echoes the structure of the retreat huts on Skellig Michael.

Unusually for a traditional temple, the walls of the main shrine room are made of glass allowing a view of the ocean, which gives a sense it has magically materialised from some realm of air and light. Yet, rounding the headland by boat, the temple appears settled into the cliff as if it was always there, standing high above the Atlantic, its copper roofs reflecting sunlight to passing sailors, dolphins and whales.

Throughout the eight years that it took to build, Leon Rossiter and his team of craftsmen used local labour and materials, and oversaw every last detail of the construction. As a result, there is a real sense of local pride and investment in what is truly an amazing achievement.

Peter Cornish spent his last years in private retreat at Dzogchen Beara, passing away only a few months before the temple was finished. His last rites were observed in the shrine room, where his body, in a sky blue coffin, was placed in front of the statues of Buddha, Green Tara,  and Guru Rinpoche. He died knowing that his and Harriet's vision of bringing great benefit to the world was finally realised.

To read more about the temple, visit

*The talks are all available to Archive members to watch in the Bodhicharya Archive.

Thanks to the Dzogchen Beara trustees, Malcom McClancy, Katherine O’Flaherty, Anne Sheehan, and Leon Rossiter; attendant Bob Whiteside, and all staff and volunteers for organising and hosting Rinpoche at such an auspicious moment in time. May all beings, across time and space, benefit from this significant project. 


Friday 19 January 2024

A New Year aspiration

May the year 2024 start with auspiciousness.
May it be auspicious in the beginning, middle and end. 
May it start auspiciously with the motivation of kindness, love and equality in every heart. 
May there be auspiciousness of friendship, respect and wisdom in the mind of all the beings. 
May there be auspiciousness of peace, prosperity and genuine happiness in the life of each and every individual in the universe as the result.

Ringu Tulku

Rinpoche is currently in Bodhgaya attending the Kagyu Monlam presided over this year by HE Tai Situ Rinpoche.  The Dalai Lama is also in Bodhgaya and Ringu Tulku expressed his delight at receiving a  precious blessing from His Holiness this week.

He says:  'Today I had an audience with HH the Dalai Lama. He was so very kind to me. He took my head and touched his heart.
Ringu Tulku, Bodhgaya, 15.01.2024'

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche visit to Dublin 27th & 28th June 2023


 Visit to Minh Tam Pagoda, Coolock, Dublin
We are very happy to welcome Ringu Tulku once again to Dublin next week, and delighted to announce his first visit to the Vietnamese Minh Tam Pagoda on Tuesday 27th June from 11 am to 3 pm, when he will be given a tour of the new temple and give a teaching on Amitabha Practice. The invitation from the Vietnamese sangha is open to all Bodhicharya Ireland members and anyone else interested. There is no need to book and this event is free. Details and directions are here. 

Public Talk Dublin City Centre 
On Wednesday evening Rinpoche will give an introduction to the meaning and practise of Vajrasattva, [Tib. Dorje Sempa]. 7.30 - 9 pm.
Venue: Buswells Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 at the junction with Kildare Street, opposite the Dail. It can be easily reached via the Luas in Dawson St. stop or any bus along Nassau Street or St Stevens' Green.

Doors open 7.00pm – please be seated before 7.25pm 

Suggested donation €20.00 (card payments can be accepted).   

This year the Dublin visit will be over two days, slightly shorter than in previous years, due to the temporary closure of KSDD.   Numbers will be limited, if you have made a booking through KSDD and wish to attend this public talk instead, please come early, as we should like to try to honour your registration for the public talk at Buswells Hotel. 

Bodhicharya Ireland is a not for profit organisation and we rely on  donations to cover costs of Rinpoche's visit.  

Thursday 29th June – Rinpoche will Teach at Palpung Ireland Buddhist Centre, Banteer, Co Cork

Friday 30th June - Sunday 2nd July – Dzogchen Beara, Co Cork

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Irish Retreat with Donal Creedon

Donal Creedon will lead the annual Bodhicharya Ireland retreat in Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland 1st - 7th September 2023 inclusive.     Donal has spent many years studying with eminent masters of meditation, in Buddhist and other traditions, and has spent twelve years in enclosed retreat. Between the years 2002-2005 he was resident scholar at the Krishnamurti Institute in Varanasi, India  and has subsequently facilitated seminars and dialogue in Krishnamurti centres both in India and the UK. His easy and accessible style of presentation and vast knowledge of the field make Donal very popular with practitioners of all traditions.

For many years he has facilitated meditation retreats in Ireland and the UK as well as mainland Europe and Africa. This year's Irish retreat will be a little shorter than usual due to greater demand for the venue, so we begin on the evening Friday 1st September and finish Thursday 7th September 2023 after lunch.

We have a few places left – click on this Link for all the details; several standard and ensuite rooms are still available. 
Please register your interest and room preference to and wait for confirmation – we will then request a deposit to confirm your place.  
Do not transfer a deposit  until you hear from us.  


Wednesday 26 April 2023

Rinpoche's visit to Ireland 2023 slight change of programme.

There have been some changes to the programme for Ringu's Visit to Dublin.

 June 27th  + Wednesday June 28th 2023

Tuesday 27th June  

Rinpoche will teach on the practice of Amitabha at the Vietnamese Temple in Coolock at the invitation of Abbott Venerable Thích Phước Huệ and the Vietnamese Buddhist Community in Ireland.The visit will begin with a tour of the temple at 11am. Teachings will be at approximately 1.30pm-3 pm  on Tuesday, 27th June    

Everyone is very welcome to attend, and the event is free.  

Address: Minh Tâm Pagoda, Unit 6, Malahide Road Industrial Park, Coolock, Dublin 17.  Details can be found on the link above. 

Wednesday 28th June

Teachings on the Practice of Vajrasattva

Buswells Hotel, Molesworth St Dublin 2. 

Georgian Room, Ground floor

7.30 - 9 pm

Suggested donation €20.00 for the evening.

doors open 7 pm.  

All are welcome.

There will not be a teaching on Monday 26th.

Thursday June 29th, 2023 

Ireland - Banteer, West Cork

Location:  Palpung Ireland Buddhist Centre, Banteer, Co. Cork, Ireland

Friday June 30th - Sunday July 2nd 

Dzogchen Beara, Garranes, Allihies, Co. Cork, P75 C670, Ireland


Saturday 25 February 2023

Ringu Tulku will give teachings on The Path of Heroes, a text by Sechen Gyaltsap, in Berlin

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche has accepted an  invitation to give the lung and some teaching  sessions on Sechen Gyaltsap’s text 'The Path of Heroes‘ on 18th – 21st May 2023 inclusive, at Bodhicharya Berlin.  

The event will be open to everyone.  

The event will take place at Bodhicharya Berlin beginning on Thursday 18th May at 9 am, when Ringu Tulku Rinpoche plans to start reading the lung: it is a long text,  and there will be several hours of readings both morning and afternoon on each day. In the evenings  Thursday – Saturday, Rinpoche will give teachings on the text. On Sunday 21st there will be two  sessions, morning and afternoon, ending at 5 pm. If the lung is complete Rinpoche will also teach in those sessions. 

The Path Of Heroes––otherwise known as “A Good Vase of the Nectar of the Deep Teachings of the Mahayana”  or  “A Good Jar of Honey,” is a commentary by Shechen Gyaltsab Rinpoche, one of the three Lamas of Kham, (the others being Kongtrul Lodro Taye and Sechen Rabjam) on a text called the Seven Essentials of Self Mastery by Chekawa Yeshe Dorje [12century]. Kongtrul Lodro Taye incarnated as Shechen Kongtrul who was also a student of Shechen Gyaltsab and later became Abbot of Sechen Monastery. 

The following timetable is provisional and may be adjusted, please check back closer to the time.

09.00 hrs & 16.00hrs  CT daily:  Lung transmission - times to be confirmed (not on zoom

1930 hrs CT. 6.30 pm BST  Thursday to Saturday: *Teachings on Sechen Gyaltsap's commentary.                

Sunday sessions: 10.00hrs & 1500 hrs CT teachings if lung transmission is complete.  (not on Zoom) 

*The evening & weekend teachings (only) will be transmitted via zoom for those who are unable to attend in person.

A 'lung' is one aspect of transmission given to a student for study and practise of a particular teaching or text. During a lung the whole text is read aloud, usually in Tibetan, giving  'transmission through hearing' to students wishing to study and practise the text.  There is usually also an explanation of the context and instructions to practice,  a 'tri'.  In the Tibetan tradition it is said these aspects may be received if one wishes to get most benefit from studying a particular text. 

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche received the transmission from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche who received it from Sechen Kongtrul.   This is a rare and special opportunity to receive these teachings from him. They will be given in English with German translation. Accommodation: There’s no accommodation at Bodhicharya, but there are plenty of reasonably priced hotels & cafe’s close by.

It will be helpful to know how many will attend, so please register your interest with Maria Huendorf and put 'POH transmission‘ in the subject line to receive further updates. 

zoomlink for the teachings:   Please see Bodhicharya Berlin website 

There is no set fee to attend, however we'll make a collection at the weekend for an offering  for Rinpoche and Bodhicharya Berlin. 

Bodhicharya Centre Address: 25 Kinzigstraße, Friedrichshain, Berlin, 10247  see also