Bodhicharya Annual Retreat with Dónal Creedon
13-21st August 2021
In our retreat we will explore meditation, the why and the how of it and the possibilities therein.
Meditation is both a way of living in truth and the means to bring this about. The source and
substance of meditation is your awareness. Right here, right now, always. It is as natural as your
Meditation as a practice really is a process of learning and sensitisation. Although method has its
place it is not about perfecting a technique. Rather it is a way of refining the quality of mind and
heart borne out of affection. It is more art than science. Through watching, listening and
attending the mind-heart begins to respond with intelligence to the challenge that life brings. We
become attuned to inner and outer, to shadow and sunlight, to sorrow and joy. When the mind is
free from its furtive grasping, we experience more ease and peace even in the turbulence of the
world. This is the flowering of meditation.
The awareness released by meditation frees us from the burden of the past and fear of future.
This allows us to live fully in the present which is not a moment among a string of moments but
perhaps what T.S. Eliot called ‘the still point of the turning world’.
Isn’t it strange that this way of being which is so simple, beautiful and ever available is not
noticed?. So there is nothing strange and oriental about the journey of meditation, we are simply
returning to our true home in the universe. And where might that be?
Right in your own dear heart.
The basis for his year's retreat will be a Dharma teaching from Lord Gampopa’s ‘String of Pearls’.
Download the text here.
General information:
Daily Schedule - GMT+1 (Irish summer time)
Bodhicharya Ireland will host the annual retreat with Donal online this year. It will last 8 days, beginning Friday 13th August at 7pm, ending midday on Saturday 21st August.
6.00 to 7.00 - Meditation (*with ‘Moment’ zoom group)8.30 to 9.30 - Teaching9.45 to 10.45 - Meditation11.00 to 12.00 - Meditation15.30 to 16.30 - Meditation16.45 to 17.45 - Meditation18.00 to 19.00 - Meditation (includes Chenrezig) and brief Q&A if necessary.
Attending all sessions will not be necessary. However there is a minimum commitment to at least two meditation sessions as well as teaching each day.
*The first morning meditation zoom session will be conducted via Donal's existing meditation group.
Offerings & Donations
Offerings to Donal can be made here :
Donations to Bodhicharya Ireland can be made to the bank account below:
BIC: BOFIIE2DXXXIBAN: IE95BOFI 900017 60728925
We would also like to draw your attention to the work being done by Tom Soper and his
team. Tom is based in Harare and attended the Bodhicharya retreat last year. Tom’s
project, Matrix, supports people who are experiencing terrible hardships in Zimbabwe.
The work of Matrix now extends to 629 people, including families
and is providing sponsorship for children’s welfare, education, food and clothing as well
as supporting projects that give autonomy and livelihoods for the families.
You can find out more here, and can make a donation using the button below. It would be a great opportunity for us to contribute and help make a difference.