There were 8 people present and some others who couldn't attend phoned us to share their opinions on our agenda and to send their best wishes.
Altogether, there are 19 students so far in Ireland - with many more expected once word gets around of the existence of Bodhicharya Ireland.
Rinpoche has given us very clear guidance of how to proceed. This will be a sangha comprising RTR's existing students in Ireland and there will not be a dharma center, open to the public, in Dublin.
1. study and practice
2. publishing and archiving RTR's teachings
3. film-making
4. organising and promoting RTR's teachings in Ireland
5. exploring dialogue with other faiths and the sciences
Rinpoche recognised that many of his students already attended well-established dharma centers in their local area such as Rigpa and Kagyu. He was very clear that they should continue to attend them and follow their study and practice programmes as there is no difference between them and whatever RTR would teach.
Furthermore, Rinpoche encourages us to explore a Rimé [ecumenical] approach to the Buddhadharma and be as inclusive as possible.
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Bruno agreed to co-ordinate for the first 3 months to help establish Bodhicharya Ireland. Everyone is very happy to have formed this sangha in Ireland and we are dedicated to supporting Ringu Tulku Rinpoche's work [and eachother] in whatever way we can.
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