Photographs from His Holiness Karmapa's UK visit 2017

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Rigul Trust

Dear Friends,

Rinpoche's charitable activity in Tibet is no called the RIGUL TRUST.

Please enjoy
This is the new charity's website.

Shortly, I will be donating on behalf of Bodhicharya Ireland [B.I.] in early july.

You remember we had that wonderful plant sale at our inaugural meeting? Well, thanks to Pat Little, her green fingers, and her kind smile, we very quickly raised 120 euro!

If you have any ideas about how you could quickly raise some funds for Rigul, then please do that asap - and simply [if you trust me, that is, of course] get the donation to me and I will send it all together in one sterling draft to the UK where the charity is based.

As i was saying, i will send the grand total of whatever we gather in the first week in july.

So take a good look at their site and if you are inspired to make a one-off donation through B.I. please please contact me asap

Bruno [087 686 7062]

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